#cancer cells

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New York Post
10 months ago

Newly found 'kill switch' triggers death of cancer cells in potential breakthrough

Researchers have identified a protein that can trigger the death of cancer cells, potentially offering a new therapeutic target.
The protein is located on the CD95 receptor, also known as Fas, and can program cancer cells to self-destruct.
Future cancer drugs could boost the activity of CD95 receptors to create a new weapon against cancer tumors. [ more ]
2 months ago
OMG science

Tiny nanorobots could enter your body and kill cancer cells in the near future

Nanorobots made of amino acids can target and kill cancer cells by identifying the acidic environment surrounding tumors. [ more ]
3 months ago
Alternative medicine

Turmeric Superior to Chemical Mouthwash In Improving Oral Health

Turmeric has potential benefits for oral health, including reversing precancerous changes and killing cancer cells, as well as being studied as a natural alternative to common mouthwash ingredients. [ more ]
2 months ago
OMG science

Tiny nanorobots could enter your body and kill cancer cells in the near future

Nanorobots made of amino acids can target and kill cancer cells by identifying the acidic environment surrounding tumors. [ more ]
3 months ago
Alternative medicine

Turmeric Superior to Chemical Mouthwash In Improving Oral Health

Turmeric has potential benefits for oral health, including reversing precancerous changes and killing cancer cells, as well as being studied as a natural alternative to common mouthwash ingredients. [ more ]
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